OMO Smart Key
OMO Smart Key

The innovative building access system OMO Smart Key allows users to access any premises from the mobile app, by face recognition or voice recognition. If the intercom is already installed in the house - OMO works together with it. OMO expands the capabilities of the system, not replaces it.

OMO Smart Key
OMO Smart Key

Manage all entrances from a single mobile application

  • Getting Started
  • Settings
  • Access sharing

Sign Up and get the key

After registering in the mobile app, enter your address, receive a mobile key, and start open the front door from your smartphone.

Configure access methods

If you have an OMO camera installed in your home, upload your photo to the application and open the door with OMO FaceID – face recognition technology. iPhone owners have the ability to set up a voice assistant and open the door by giving voice commands.

Share the keys with your smartphone

The Smart Key in your smartphone can be sent to other people. Within the mobile application you can provide:
— permanent key with the rights to share a Key with others, or exclusively for personal use;
— temporary key for one opening;
— the key to a limited number of openings.
Within the application, you can revoke a shared Smart Key access. In this case, the person will no longer be able to use the key.

Manage all entrances from a single mobile application

  • Getting Started
  • Settings
  • Access sharing

Sign Up and get the key

After registering in the mobile app, enter your address, receive a mobile key, and start open the front door from your smartphone.

Configure access methods

If you have an OMO camera installed in your home, upload your photo to the application and open the door with OMO FaceID – face recognition technology. iPhone owners have the ability to set up a voice assistant and open the door by giving voice commands.

Share the keys with your smartphone

The Smart Key in your smartphone can be sent to other people. Within the mobile application you can provide:
— permanent key with the rights to share a Key with others, or exclusively for personal use;
— temporary key for one opening;
— the key to a limited number of openings.
Within the application, you can revoke a shared Smart Key access. In this case, the person will no longer be able to use the key.

Smart Key Options

  • Access from a smartphone
  • NFC
  • OMO FaceID
  • Voice assistant

Access from a smartphone

Open the door from your smartphone
All doors and entrances equipped with the OMO system can be added to a single OMO application and opened conveniently in one click. You no longer need to carry keys and magnetic keychains.

Get Smart Key

Open the door with NFC

Open the door by simply attaching the smartphone to the OMO reader near the door. The feature is temporarily available only to owners of smartphones running Android. Additionally, you can order an NFC keychain or NFC card.

Get Smart Key

Face recognition access

If you have a CCTV camera connected to the OMO system in the entrance or near the door, you can use FaceID technology to enter the room.
In the application settings, upload your photo and log in. Now OMO will be able to recognize you and open the door, even if you forgot your smartphone at home.
Get Smart Key

Open the door with your voice

iPhone owners can set up a voice assistant feature on their smartphone. Say: “OMO, open the door” – and come in 🙂

Get Smart Key

Access from a smartphone

Open the door from your smartphone
All doors and entrances equipped with the OMO system can be added to a single OMO application and opened conveniently in one click. You no longer need to carry keys and magnetic keychains.

Get Smart Key

Open the door with NFC

Open the door by simply attaching the smartphone to the OMO reader near the door. The feature is temporarily available only to owners of smartphones running Android. Additionally, you can order an NFC keychain or NFC card.

Get Smart Key

Face recognition access

If you have a CCTV camera connected to the OMO system in the entrance or near the door, you can use FaceID technology to enter the room.
In the application settings, upload your photo and log in. Now OMO will be able to recognize you and open the door, even if you forgot your smartphone at home.
Get Smart Key

Open the door with your voice

iPhone owners can set up a voice assistant feature on their smartphone. Say: “OMO, open the door” – and come in 🙂

Get Smart Key

Cases of usage

Technical premises
Garbage cans


If your home already has an intercom system – it still works. OMO does not replace the intercom system but adds new features and capabilities.

Get a Smart Key


Call the elevator to the desired floor in the mobile application. No need to wait at the door and press the call button.

Get a Smart Key

Technical premises

Install magnetic locks in technical rooms and connect them to the OMO system. This will allow:
remotely provide access to staff premises; view who and when came into the room;
* revoke access to the premises from employees who resigned.
In addition to security and control, this is also a significant saving. In case of loss of a physical key, it is usually necessary to change all lock. And in some cases, people can lose a whole bunch of keys, which will never happen with OMO mobile keys.

Get a Smart Key

Garbage cans

Get access to trash cans that are “locked”. You do not need to take the key to the fence with you when you go to throw garbage – open it in a mobile application.

Get a Smart Key


Raise the barrier to the territory from the mobile application. If an OMO camera is installed at the entrance, it will recognize the license plate of the car and automatically open the gate or barrier.

Get a Smart Key


Yuliya Usova
Я использую ОМО для контроля за детьми. В приложение встроен датчик открытия входных дверей и когда он срабатывает, мне приходит уведомление на телефон и включается запись камеры , что висит в коридоре. Когда я на работе мне важно знать, когда дети возвращаются из школы. Рекомендую!
Яна Антонова
Сейчас тестируем услугу ключ от подъезда. Удобно открывать двери мобильным телефоном, правда иногда глючит интернет. Ребята стараются все вовремя исправить
Юра Аргулов
Користуюся ОМО більше двох місяців, порекомендував знайомий. Я люблю всякі нові розумні рішення для дому, наприклад димер чи розумна розетка. Раніше для кожного такого девайса в мене був окремий додаток в телефоні, а ОМО дозволяє обєднати все в одному місці і доповнювати. Планую користуватися далі
Наталья Гриценко
Недавно установили в парадном камеру и подключили услугу фэйс айди. Сейчас пробуем открывать двери с помощью камеры. Пока нравиться, хотя детям не всегда удается открыть с первого раза.